Tuesday, October 7, 2008

Thank you Bumbo

Not that I have read, nor would heed if I did, any of the webelicious accounts of how bad the bumbo seat is for your child, so I am going to praise away anyhow.

This little lovely seat that my wonderful friend Carrie procured at giant consignment sale for me has done its job

Benjamin just last Thursday completely amazed me when I set him in his baby papsan (also courtesy of Carrie, or Donelle, I can't remember which, but they are almost one in the same) and instead of reclining, he sat straight up. I was not expecting this for another few weeks. But as we all know, my memory is hazy and he could have been developmentally expected to sit upright weeks ago. But hey, I give credit to the bumbo seat anyway

Of course, we must remember that in sweet, sweet babyland, ANY piece of equipment, regardless of intended use is the perfect place to sleep

If only I could sleep like that

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Wow. It's Peter part 2 all the way. It's so wild how similar they look. I wonder if they will look like twins when they are adults? Besides that, he's flapping adorable as well. I can't wait to see him again and scare him til he cries like what I did to Tré at that age. Hahaha!!!