Monday, September 21, 2009

Freedom isn't Free

Tonight was the last night that the traveling Vietnam Wall visited our city. I even forgot about it until Larry called me while he and Tre were at boy scouts and said that the troop was going to go visit it. I packed up the kids, drove the 7 seven blocks, (it would just take longer to walk) and found Larry there. It was not too many minutes later - you know, when Benjamin was walking up to the wall and touching the wall - what a perfect picture moment - that I realized that I forgot the camera. I just decided that it was too late and it would be yet another time that I forgot the camera. There was a museum set up and we all were walking around. Later on, Larry found me and said that the flag for his father's division was hanging in one of the exhibits. I ran to the car so I could get the camera.

By the time I had finished taking pictures of the division flag, Benjamin was, of course, asleep.

There are no cute baby touching poignant things pictures, but Benjamin is cute enough. I have very cute pics of the others, too.

She had been mad at us for most of the night, can you tell?
Well, Tre usually looks like this when a camera is pointed at him

My favorite is the one from the candlelight service

As we were about to leave, I got a snapshot at some of the event planners lighting the candles around our county veterans

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