Tuesday, December 29, 2009

Indiana Christmas

Yay! we are here in Indiana and loving it! It snowed two days after Christmas. We went walking in it

Larry, Benjamin and my father in law are getting ready for the "walk"

After the walk, Tre and Peter take full advantage of the light dusting we got
go for it, Peter! Get him!!!!

Benjamin fully enjoyed our new Yahtzee game
I think we are still missing a die

and with Grandma - I just love the way he holds on

Friday, December 25, 2009

because I can

brought to you by the new camera and lap top Christmas brought me - from the comfort of our comfy living room couch - Larry didn't even get up to take the picture

Thursday, December 24, 2009

Catching up # 2: Cub Scout Christmas Party

Our cub scout skit

Ha Ha! Peter actually sat on Santa's lap this time - probably because he didn't want to suffer my passive aggressive wrath again
So cute - this is the photo that went on my annual newsletter in Gabrielle's section

At least he stands there

It is still all about the bag/candy for Benjamin

Merry Christmas from Cub Scout Pack 123!

Tuesday, December 22, 2009

Catching up #1: Christmas Church party

On December 3, we had our Church Christmas Party and I actually cajoled Tre into at least standing with Santa

Benjamin didn't seem too interested in sitting with Santa, either

But he did seem to like the candy

And Peter could not by any means be convinced to have a picture with Santa, but I did a picture of him in his "Joseph" costume - we did have a nativity scene put on by the primary. But I didn't get pictures because I was very busy directing children
And Gabrielle was going to sit with Santa, but I was so upset with Peter for not doing so I didn't get a picture of her - Sorry Gabrielle!

Sunday, December 13, 2009

Must be Santa!

Again, snagged it off facebook! Thanks Tiffany. Because I got it from facebook, I am now chatting and will have to take time to post the other pics later