Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Friday, January 8, 2010

My own Engrish!

so I have spent more than half of my day sitting in front of my computer mostly on and other related sites and then I clicked a button that said "make your own engrish" and I just had to try it out. They tell you to go to bable fish and type in a sentence, translate it into Japanese, then highlight that Japanese, copy it into the translate box and translate it back into English. Why I wrote the following sentence I am not sure I will ever know myself, but I was quite surprised at the result:

my brown dog was babbling to a brook and fell back when it babbled back

My brown dog fell when clattering in Ogawa, clattering,

so funny

Friday, January 1, 2010

Quote of the day

So we were sitting around the breakfast table eating delicious eggs and bacon! (a treat rarely sampled in the Larry and Barbara Henckel home) and Larry (my Larry) was talking about how difficult it is to wake Gabrielle up. He described how once you actually got her up she would scream and her face would contort and her hair goes all crazy and he used his hands to simulate snakes, I am guessing and then Peter says:
"And then you turn into to stone!"
HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA (It took me a good thirty seconds to recover)

Pickle Experiment

We decided to give Benjamin a taste of my mother-in-law's dill pickles, which she herself even
says are too sour. But it wasn't the face scrunching result I was hoping for. But it is Benjamin, so still super cute.