Monday, November 23, 2009

My camera, my camera!

Woe is me! woe is me!!!!!! Where on Earth is my camera! The very last time I saw it, LARRY had it and used to to make his profile pic for facebook:

Cool, huh? Yes, that is a picture of us "reflecting" in his sunglasses. He wanted all of us to stick out our tongues, but Gabrielle was the only one that obliged. He photshopped it together of course. And for some reason, he couldn't download the pics onto his laptop, so I might even be able to find the other pics on here; I would have to search. But I can't find the camera and I am dying. Yesterday, Peter took Benjamin on a walk in the wagon (which has a wooden crate in it left from our camping adventure) and when he came back Benjamin was asleep in the crate and I COULDN'T FIND THE CAMERA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I could pester Larry about it, but since he's out making money I guess I will wait

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