Friday, February 5, 2010

I am a stalker

Currently, I am working in an elementary school. I get the chance to work occasionally in a certain Kindergarten room. Across the hall, there is another kindergarten room that I have never worked with, but because of its proximity to the one I am working with, one day I witnessed this other class filing into their room and experienced the most bizarre case of deja vu. There was a child walking into this other classroom that looked EXACTLY LIKE Peter did when he was about kindergarten age. Every time I go to the kindergarten classroom I am supposed to go to, I start looking for this little boy in the other class. It takes my breath away every time I see him. I think this child looks more like Peter than Benjamin will when he gets that age. It is like walking back in time. I really do feel like a stalker because I purposely look for this child so I can be hurtled back to the past for a brief fraction of a second. I looked for pictures of Peter from that era to see if I wasn't just seeing things, and I don't think I am. Talk about doppleganger. It is just a little freaky.

No you aren't seeing things incorrectly - I did turn this picture upside down. Peter has a penchant for lying on couches and comfy chairs in an upside down postion

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