Monday, April 29, 2013

May 2013 Schedule

image from shutterstock
Here's my schedule for May

May – Song for the Month: Can a Little Child Like Me CS p.9
Theme: “Prophets Teach Us to Live the Restored Gospel”
Scripture: Amos 3:7
Birthday Song: You’ve Had a Birthday p.285
Welcome Song: Our Door is Always Open p. 254
Scripture/AOF Song: The Ninth Article of Faith p.128
May 5 – Week 1: The living prophet leads the Church under the direction of Jesus Christ.
Opening: Mother Dear p. 206
Practice Mother’s Day Song: My Mother Dear 203 for next week
May 12 – Week 2: Mother’s Day! The living prophet leads the Church under the direction of Jesus Christ.
Opening: Mother, Tell Me the Story p.204-205
Introduce Can a Little Child Like Me p.9
May 19 – Week 3: Prophets teach me to pay tithing.
Opening: I Want to Give the Lord My Tenth p.150
Review 2nd and 3rd verse of If the Savior Stood Beside me (I know, weird, but the Senior just reads my poster when I have it and the Junior doesn't know it at all so we need some review time)
May 26 – Week 4: Prophets teach me to live the word of wisdom.
Opening: Stand for the Right p.159
Hula Hoop Review from Camille’s Primary Ideas
I will do individual posts on each activity later -- HAPPY MAY!!!

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