Monday, May 27, 2013

June Planning

image from
You: Hey, Henckelhouse, what's going on? Why have you stopped posting all of the sudden (with, of course, the exception of your very boring planning posts)?
Me: Well, basically I am lazy. But I want to say that Would You Like to Sing a Song is also by me, so most of my (actually everyone else's - I am a manic "borrower") other exciting stuff stays there.
You: Oh, okay. But didn't you used to post the same thing on both blogs?
Me: Yes, but hence the recent lazy remark, I must admit that I am truly lazy and have just stopped the cutting and pasting to both sites (with, of course, the exception of my very boring planning posts).
You: So, what you are saying is that I should just start checking out Would You Like to Sing a Song?
Me: Probably, since I am so very lazy AND Would You Like to Sing a Song is actually getting more views than this page (it's actually quite exciting) and the title of that blog is much cuter. However, I might continue the very boring planning posts simply because I like scouring google for different monthly graphics.
So Here is said very boring planning post:

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